Who Suck’s their thumb and why?

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For some children thumb sucking starts pre-birth. We have all seen an ultrasound image of a baby sucking his or her thumb while still in the womb. These first images are precious. And, thumb sucking continues to be viewed as an endearing behavior even after baby arrives.

Some babies put their thumb in their mouth; some suck on their fingers, some even put their whole fist in their mouth as they learn to utilize the sucking action necessary for survival. So, at this early stage, thumb sucking is considered natural and necessary, and at this point there is very little need for concern.

This sucking action occurs between feedings and is considered to be a supplemental reward and gratification. Generally the thumb-sucking pattern will lessen or cease between the ages of three and four.

Beyond that age the pressure of the thumb can contribute to many of the following problems related to the oro-facial structure.

The pressure of the thumb against the palate (roof of the mouth) can help to produce a high, narrow, arched palate which is not conducive to the proper rest posture for the tongue.