Understanding and Treatment of Thumb Sucking
Two Thumbs Up brings to the forefront:
• Who sucks their thumb?
• What are the possible approaches to alleviating this thumb or digit pattern?
• When is the best time to begin a program?
• Where to go for help in alleviating this thumb pattern?
• Why do I suck my thumb?
• How do I start a successful program?
Being in private practice for over forty years, treating thumb/finger sucking patterns, the following questions asked most frequently by my clients included:
"Why wasn't I told earlier that thumb sucking could and would do damage to my child's teeth?"
"Why wasn't I told there was someone like you to help my child stop sucking his or her thumb?"
"Why isn't there information in the Dentist, Orthodontist, or Pediatrician's office?"
"Why wasn't I told earlier something could be done?"
Well, what can they do? The chances for success with any regime are virtually nil if the child is not consciously ready and willing to give up the pattern. However, if the child indicates he or she would like to stop, but can't, “Where do they turn to?” “Two Thumbs Up” is a simplified, modern resource specifically designed to address the need to treat thumb/finger/digit sucking problems. The book stresses the importance of creating a plan and utilizing proven motivational techniques to help alleviate this pattern.
“Two Thumbs Up takes an in-depth look at the complexity of thumb sucking, complications and ramifications related to the oro-facial structures and beyond.” Christine Stevens Mills COM®
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